Understanding usage data

Monitoring usage metrics is essential to staying ahead of the competition and providing your customers with the best possible service.

As a team member, you have access to the Statistics section of the dashboard. In fact, this section is set as the default landing page when you log in. You'll find three modules here: 'This period', 'Real time' and 'Date range'.

This period

This module displays the metrics that will affect your next bill.

  • Participation minutes The number of minutes your participants have spent in this billing period's sessions, from the moment they join until they leave or the session ends.

    • Contracted limit The number of prepaid minutes included in your plan, for this period.

    • Percentage The % of participation minutes / contracted limit.

  • Max concurrent sessions The simultaneous active rooms peak registered during this period. Note that rooms with zero participants are not considered active. Learn more.

    • Contracted limit The number concurrent sessions allowed in your plan.

    • Percentage The % of concurrent sessions / contracted limit.

  • Max concurrent participants The simultaneous active participants peak registered during this period.

    • Contracted limit The number concurrent participants allowed in your plan.

    • Percentage The % of concurrent participants / contracted limit.

  • Recorded minutes The total number of recorded minutes.

  • Recording storage The number of recorded minutes stored — remember you can always delete your recordings.

  • Captions minutes The number of session minutes ran in rooms with the captions feature enabled.


This module displays a few key metrics selected to give you a general idea of your current usage.

  • Live participants The number of participants currently active in a session.

  • Live sessions The number of sessions currently running. Note that sessions with zero participants are not considered live. Learn more.

  • Active recordings The number of sessions being recorded just now.


Select a date-range to segment data and get focused insights of the below metrics. Choose between a selection of predefined date ranges e.g., 'This month', or select a specific custom period of your choice.

Metrics are displayed in a graph and in a comprehensive table view:

The graph view is interactive: you may select the metrics you want to see overlapping for comparison; The table view breaks down each metric into individual days within the selected date range.

  • Participation minutes The number of minutes a participant has spent in a session from the moment they join until they leave or the session ends.

  • Broadcast minutes The total number of broadcasted video and audio + video only + audio only + screenshare minutes. You may hover on this metric to get the breakdown of broadcasted audio and video minutes, audio only minutes, video only minutes and screenshare minutes.

  • Consumed minutes The total number of consumed video and audio + video only + audio only + screenshare minutes. You may hover on this metric to get the breakdown of consumed audio and video minutes, audio only minutes, video only minutes and screenshare minutes.

  • Active participants The number of unique participants that have participated at least once in at least one session.

  • Max concurrent participants Simultaneous active participants peak registered by day.

  • Sessions The number of sessions ran.

  • Active rooms The number of rooms used.

  • Max concurrent sessions Simultaneous active rooms peak registered by day. Note that rooms / sessions with zero participants are not considered active / live. Learn more.

  • Max participants per session Simultaneous active participants per session peak registered by day

  • Recorded minutes The number of recorded minutes.

  • Max concurrent recordings The number of simultaneous recordings peaks registered by day.

  • Captions minutes The number of minutes with the Captions feature enabled. Updated every 15 minutes.

  • Recording storage The number of recorded minutes stored.

  • Whiteboard minutes The number of minutes with the whiteboard panel open.

  • Breakout minutes The number of minutes with open breakouts.

  • Chat posts Total posted public and private chats.

  • Q&A posts Total posted questions and answers.

Last updated