Participant details
To get a specific participant's details, just click on the target participant's ID, within the selected session details page:
Participant name: The name with which the participant joined the session.
Participant status: It will 'live' while in the session, or otherwise 'inactive'.
Room name: Each session is ran in a single room, which you may identify.
Participant joined (UTC): Displays a timestamp with the moment the participant joined.
Participant left (UTC): Displays a timestamp with the moment the participant left.
Duration: The elapsed time between 'participant joined' and 'participant left'.
Device: The device that the participant used to join the session, can be 'Desktop' or 'Mobile'.
System: The participant's operating system.
Browser: The participant's browser and version.
Participant log: A detailed, chronologically ordered list with all the signalling events, including event payloads.
Last updated