
As a team member, you can shape each role with a specific set of permissions.

  • Broadcast Will be allowed to use their peripherals to broadcast.

  • Manage broadcast permission Role-sensitive Will be allowed to give and remove broadcast permission and lower raised hands of the selected roles.

  • Start session When enabled, participants will be able to start sessions. They will always be able to seamlessly join sessions into locked moderated rooms, without the need to be expressly accepted. However in locked single-role rooms they need an existing participant's acceptance.

  • End session Will be allowed to end the session for everyone.

  • Control room entry In multi-role rooms, those with ‘control room entry’ permission can accept or reject participants joining locked sessions. This permission enables seamless entry into locked multi-role rooms. In single-role rooms, this permission doesn't apply as entry is managed by existing participants.

  • See participants panel Will be allowed to see the participants panel and the ‘join’ and ‘leave’ notifications.

  • Invite participants Will be allowed to invite participants into the session.

  • Remove participants Role-sensitive Will be allowed to remove participants with selected roles from the session.

  • Screenshare Will be allowed to share their screen's video and audio. Mobile users will not be able to share their screen.

  • Manage screenshare Role-sensitive Will be allowed to give and remove screenshare permission to the selected roles. Mobile users will not be able to share their screen.

  • Recording Will be allowed to start and stop recordings.

  • Transcribe session Will be allowed to start and stop transcription.

  • Chat in public chat

    Will be allowed to chat openly in the public chat.

  • Chat in private chat

    Will be allowed to chat privately, on an individual basis with other participants.

  • Chat export

    Will have the ability to export public chat.

  • Delete others' chat messages

    Will have the ability to delete messages sent by other users.

  • Remote turn off cam / mic Role-sensitive Will be allowed to remotely mute or turn off camera of participants with with the selected roles. Choose ‘All roles’ if you want the roles you create after submitting this form to be automatically considered as selected roles for this permission. Note the ‘Mute all’ button will only be available if targeting all roles.

  • Remote ask to turn on cam / mic Role-sensitive Will be allowed to remotely ask selected roles to unmute or turn on camera. Choose 'All roles' if you want the roles you create after submitting this form to be automatically considered as selected roles for this permission.

  • Raise hand Will be allowed to raise their hand to request broadcast permissions or take turns to speak.

  • Manage role Role-sensitive

    Will be allowed to move participants between the selected roles.

  • Manage content Will be allowed to create, rename and remove files in the Content Library.

  • Present content Will be allowed to preview and open library files from the Content Library, navigate through slides and make them visible to everyone in the room.

  • Manage personal content library Create, rename and remove files in the Personal Content Library. The personal library is mapped by the external id in the token (ud property). When a user with the same external id enters different rooms, the same personal library will be displayed.

  • Edit whiteboard Will be allowed to open and close the whiteboard, and add and edit content with the tools provided in it.

  • Manage edit-whiteboard permission Role-sensitive Will be allowed to give and remove edit-whiteboard permission to selected roles. Choose 'All roles' if you want the roles you create after submitting this form to be automatically considered as selected roles for this permission.

  • Manage breakouts

    Will be allowed to create breakout rooms, assign participants, start and stop breakouts and move around breakout rooms. Participants with this permission will not be assigned to any breakout room when creating rooms automatically, unless in single-role rooms.

  • Answer questions in Q&A

    Will be allowed to answer questions in the Q&A section.

  • Moderate Q&A

    Will be able to manage the Q&A section, including deleting any questions or answers and stopping live answers when needed.

  • Download Q&A

    Will be allowed to download Q&A logs.

  • Upvote Q&A

    Will be able to upvote questions in Q&A.

  • Control room components

    Will be allowed to enable / disable room components for all participants during the session. Supports switching Whiteboard, Q&A, Public chat, Public 1:1 chats and Private group chat.

  • Moderate polls Will have the ability to create, manage, start and stop polls, view results locally, share results with everyone in the room and download poll results.

  • Take polls

    Will have the ability to submit votes in polls.

Last updated