
load(props?: InstanceProperties)

Loads the room inside the iframe. Typically you need to invoke this method only once. The props param is optional.

The load() method is the delayed form of initialization - you first call createControl of the SDK and then you can load the room later based on your application needs.

Read more about SDK initialization process in the DigitalSambaEmbedded class section

InstanceProperties signature

  • frameAttributes - list of attributes to be applied to the target iframe

  • reportErrors - boolean, false by default. Whether to report misconfiguration or runtime errors to console

Sample code -> it will put a 5px red border around the iframe (using the html style attribute):

const initOptions = {team: 'myTeamNameHere', room: 'myRoomNameHere'};
const sambaFrame = DigitalSambaEmbedded.createControl(initOptions);

//Some time later load the room
  frameAttributes: {style: "border: 5px solid red"},
  reportErrors: false

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