Payload structure

The payload structure (body) of the webhook HTTP POST request will look like this:

  "eventType": "participant_joined",
  "sessionId": "4fcc375c-e0ce-4f52-9b35-3a034042ab5a",
  "roomId": "7f8c8eac-6643-47db-8d93-e7633e6e53ec",
  "timestamp": 1675790387,
  "data": {
    "participantId": "8b085f23-9a2a-465d-bdbb-73a233c7df90",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "role": "moderator"
  • eventType -> what kind of event is this webhook request sending - e.g. participant_joined, participant_left, recording_ready, etc...

  • sessionId -> id of the session where the event happened

  • roomId -> id of the room where the event happened

  • timestamp -> unix timestamp specifying when the event happened

  • data -> contains concrete details about the event - e.g. which participant actually joined or left

If you have specified an authorization_header during the webhook creation, then you will receive an "Authorization" HTTP header in the webhook POST request with the following value: "Bearer YOUR_SECRET_HERE".

Last updated