
A role is a set of permissions. Each permission configures if the concrete action is allowed inside the room. So when configuring a role you select which actions a participant with that role is allowed to perform.

Some of the permissions are Role-sensitive which means you can enable that permission to be applied only to a concrete set of target roles. For example you may want a speaker to be allowed to remove an attendee from the meeting, but not to be allowed to remove a moderator. In that case when you configure the Speaker role, you will list only the attendee role as a target role for the Remove participants permission.

Here is a list of the supported permission names:

  • broadcast Allowed to use their camera and microphone to broadcast.

  • manage_broadcast Role-sensitive Allowed to give and remove broadcast permission and lower raised hands of the selected roles.

  • start_session Allowed to start sessions.

  • end_session Allowed to end the session for everyone.

  • remove_participant Role-sensitive Allowed to remove participants with selected roles from the session.

  • screenshare Allowed to share their screen's video and audio.

  • manage_screenshare Role-sensitive Allowed to give and remove screenshare permission to the selected roles.

  • recording Allowed to start and stop recordings.

  • general_chat Allowed to chat openly in the general chat.

  • private_chat Allowed to chat privately 1-to-1 with other participants

  • remote_muting Role-sensitive Allowed to remotely mute or turn off camera of participants with with the selected roles.

  • ask_remote_unmute Role-sensitive Allowed to remotely ask selected roles to unmute or turn on camera.

  • raise_hand Allowed to raise their hand to request broadcast permissions or take turns to speak.

  • manage_roles Role-sensitive

    Allowed to move participants between the selected roles.

  • control_room_entry Allowed to admit / reject participants who wait to enter the room.

  • see_participants_panel Allowed to see the participants panel and receive join/leave notifications

  • invite_participant Allowed to invite participants into the session.

  • edit_whiteboard Allowed to edit the whiteboard - make drawings, etc...

  • manage_edit_whiteboard Role-sensitive Allowed to give and remove edit whiteboard permission to the selected roles.

  • manage_breakout Allowed to start/stop breakout rooms and manage assignment of participants to breakout

  • answer_qa Allowed to answer questions

  • moderate_qa Allowed to delete questions and answers of other participants

  • upvote_qa Allowed to upvote questions

  • present_files Allowed to present (open) files, so other participants can see the slides.

  • control_room_components Allowed to dynamically enable/disable room components. For example to enable/disable Chat, Questions & Answers and Whiteboard on the fly while a session is running in the room.

  • manage_polls Allowed to create/edit/start/end/share polls

  • take_polls Allowed to vote in (take) polls

Last updated