Emitted when a new chat message has been received.
You can use that event to play a chime sound on receiving a message or to display chat messages in a custom way in your integration. Note the local boolean flag in the message - it tells if this message was sent by the local user (yourself). For example if you are going to play a chime sound on receiving a message, then you would not want to do it when local flag is true.
Sample payload
{"type":"chatMessageReceived","data": {"message": {"id":"ceb29418-3aa7-4354-9fe6-9875b9b260cf","message":"How are you?","date":"2024-06-11T08:23:16Z",//If it was sent by the local user (yourself)"local":true,"privateGroup":true/false,"user": {"name":"John Smith","avatarColor":"#4ecdc4","role":"moderator","id":"862f90f8-5a66-4b24-befb-7343a9fd34aa" } }//Contains detailed information if chat panel is opened and which section"chatState": {"panelOpen":true,"activeTab":"public",//public or private"privateChatActiveView": {//"list" or "personal" depending on if private list is opened or a concrete personal private chat"name":"list","data": {//uuid of the user who you are having private chat with"id":"..uuid...",//If the opened chat is the group chat"group":true/undefined } } } }}