
Emitted when something unexpected or not allowed happens in the room.

Here is a list of the possible error names:

  • permissions-rejected -> emitted when user tries to screen share, but browser doesn't have enough permissions for it

  • not-allowed -> emitted when a not allowed action was requested by the user. For example if a user tries to start a recording and recording is not supported in the room, he will receive a not-allowed type.

  • forbidden-action -> emitted when a forbidden action was requested by the user. For example if a user tries to end a session and doesn't have a permission to do so, then the forbidden-action type.

Sample payload

  "type": "appError",
  "data": {
      "name": "not-allowed",
      "message": "Recording disabled. You’ll need to edit this room’s properties to record sessions in this room",
      "data": {
         "type": "recording"
  "type": "appError",
  "data": {
      "name": "forbidden-action",
      "message": "Forbidden action. This participant is not allowed to end session",
      "data": {
         "type": "end-session"

Sample subscription code

sambaFrame.on('appError', (error) => {

  /* outputs  
      name: 'not-allowed',
        'Recording disabled. You’ll need to edit this room’s properties to record sessions in this room',
      'data': {
         'type': 'recording'

Last updated