To delete an existing room you need to execute a DELETE request against the /rooms/:id endpoint.
The id uniquely identifies the room and you can find it in the create room response.
This is a destructive operation which cannot be undone. If the deleted room is in-use -> all people will be kicked out of it and the video conference will immediately end.
By default related room resources are not deleted - e.g. if you have recordings, transcripts, chat for the room, they won't be deleted when deleting the room. If you insist on hard deleting all related room resources too, then execute a separate DELETE request to the /rooms/:id/resources endpoint. Other option is to set the "delete_resources" param to true in the optional body of the DELETE /rooms/:id/ request if your HTTP client supports bodies on DELETE requests.
You can set the expires_at room property which will automatically delete the room after the specified date and time is reached. For example - "expires_at": "2024-09-05 12:30:00"
importcom.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;;;;;;importjava.util.Base64;importjava.util.Map;String TEAM_ID ="YOUR_TEAM_ID";String DEVELOPER_KEY ="YOUR_DEVELOPER_KEY";String authorizationHeader ="Bearer "+Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString((TEAM_ID +":"+ DEVELOPER_KEY).getBytes());//Put your room id or friendly_url (name) here - this value is just an exampleString roomId ="c39d7c40-7ff7-4faa-b06f-698a639a9523";HttpRequest request =HttpRequest.newBuilder().DELETE().uri(newURI(""+ roomId)).header("Authorization", authorizationHeader).build();HttpClient client =HttpClient.newHttpClient();HttpResponse<String> response =client.send(request,BodyHandlers.ofString());System.out.println("Status code: "+response.statusCode());System.out.println("Body: "+response.body());
Response (204 -> No Content)
Response is empty because the room was deleted and there is no content to return.