
With tokens you can control user's access to the room. You can set properties like user's role, username and avatar. Highly recommended is to set a token validity interval, so the token is valid only for a period of time when the meeting will be conducted - see the exp (expires) and nbf (not-before) in the full properties list.

Tokens are obligatory for private rooms, and they are also needed in public rooms if you have more than one role in the room and need to specify with which role should the user enter.

Tokens are using the highly popular JWT standard (JSON Web Tokens).

You will be creating and signing the tokens in the backend using your team developer key which can be found in the dashboard.

Tokens should never be generated in client-facing code like frontends, because your secret developer key will become publicly visible. Tokens are cryptographically signed data, NOT encrypted. Do not put information which should not be seen by the users into the tokens.

Last updated