
To initiate a file upload you need to execute a POST request against the /libraries/:id/files endpoint.

Two fields are available in the JSON body of the POST request:

  • name - the name of the file. Required.

  • folder_id - the id of the parent folder. Omit this field if the file is attached to the root of the library and not to a parent folder.

In the response you will receive a time-limited JWT token (expires in 15 minutes) and a target URL where you can upload the actual file bytes to.

1. Request to retrieve a token for upload and storage server URL

curl --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --url https://api.digitalsamba.com/api/v1/libraries/8606721f-d847-4721-a5dc-6537e822104c/files \
  --data '{"name": "prom.jpg"}'

Response (200 OK)

    "file_id": "0b20a544-d2d7-4c1b-b651-dc132a76a756",
    --This is the internal file name (not visible to end users inside the room)
    "file_name": "Kn3H49JwJogc6ujAgnTtkN9ImWKVmYYebrk3yQWW.jpg",
    --URL to execute a POST request to upload the file bytes to
    "external_storage_url": "https://.............",
    --Time limited JWT token to authenticate to the external storage URL
    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiS24zSDQ5SndKb2djNnVqQWduVHRrTjlJbVdLVm1ZWWVicmszeVFXVy5qcGciLCJhY3Rpb24iOiJ1cGxvYWQiLCJ0eXBlIjoibGlicmFyeSIsImxpYnJhcnlfaWQiOiI4NjA2NzIxZi1kODQ3LTQ3MjEtYTVkYy02NTM3ZTgyMjEwNGMiLCJmaWxlX2lkIjoiMGIyMGE1NDQtZDJkNy00YzFiLWI2NTEtZGMxMzJhNzZhNzU2IiwiaXNzIjoibGFyYXZlbCIsImlhdCI6MTcyODQ3NzIzMiwiZXhwIjoxNzI4NDc4MTMyfQ.QW90_-9OtXwCyL2vcAtm7oz5UJGuvdKMi4Ykjan8pN8",
    --Unix timestamp when the JWT token expires and is no longer valid (in 15 minutes)    
    "expiration_timestamp": 1728478132

2. Request to finish the upload

The POST request URL is the external_storage_url from the previous request.

You need to put the token from the first request into the Authorization: Bearer header.

The file is sent in a multipart request where the field name is "file".

curl --request POST \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiL............." \
  -F "file=@prom.jpg"
  --url external_storage_url \

Response (200 OK)

    "message": "File has been uploaded",
    "file": "Kn3H49JwJogc6ujAgnTtkN9ImWKVmYYebrk3yQWW.jpg",
    "size": 1311689,
    "success": true

Last updated