To delete an existing library you need to execute a DELETE request against the /libraries/:id endpoint.
The id uniquely identifies the library and you can find it in the create library response.
This is a destructive operation which cannot be undone! If the deleted library is in-use -> all opened files from it will be closed and users will lose access to the library. All files and folders in the library will be permanently deleted.
importcom.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;;;;;;importjava.util.Base64;importjava.util.Map;String TEAM_ID ="YOUR_TEAM_ID";String DEVELOPER_KEY ="YOUR_DEVELOPER_KEY";String authorizationHeader ="Bearer "+Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString((TEAM_ID +":"+ DEVELOPER_KEY).getBytes());//Put your library id here - this value is just an exampleString libraryId ="45d125d8-bac9-43a5-a6a8-311a5433239d"";HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder() .DELETE() .uri(new URI("" + libraryId)).header("Authorization", authorizationHeader).build();HttpClient client =HttpClient.newHttpClient();HttpResponse<String> response =client.send(request,BodyHandlers.ofString());System.out.println("Status code: "+response.statusCode());System.out.println("Body: "+response.body());
Response (204 -> No Content)
Response is empty because the library was deleted and there is no content to return.