
To create a new webhook you need to execute a POST request against the /webhooks endpoint.

  • endpoint -> the URL where the webhook will send the POST request to.

  • events -> an array of events for which the webhook will trigger. Read about the currently available events here. In the future support for more events will be added -> e.g. to able to receive a webhook when a recording is started or has been processed.

  • authorization_header -> The authorization header is a secret which only your backend and DigitalSamba know about. It is an optional field, but its highly recommended to use it, so you can protect your endpoint from unauthorized calls. The webhook will send the secret as a standard Authorization Bearer http header.

  • name -> optional text description of your webhook

For quick testing you may want to use as endpoint which is a free public service. It allows you to inspect the payload structure of the received webhook requests.

curl --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --url \
  --data '{
     "endpoint": "https://YOUR_BACKEND_ENDPOINT_URL", 
     "events": ["participant_joined", "participant_left"], 
     "name": "Testing my first webhook",
     "authorization_header": "Asf#k$%lfCaPe93$a"

Response (200 OK)

    "id": "7adb1f07-db15-4cdc-8bf0-2be746fcec2a",
    "endpoint": "https://YOUR_BACKEND_ENDPOINT_URL",
    "authorization_header": "Asf#k$%lfCaPe93$a",
    "name": "Testing my first webhook",
    "events": [
    "created_at": "2023-02-06T09:43:48Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-06T09:43:48Z"

Read about the payload structure which you will receive at your configured endpoint.

Last updated