Moodle : Using Digital Samba as an LTI external tool

Adding Digital Samba as an external tool

On your Digital Samba Dashboard :

  • The LTI external tool will use your default room settings.

  • You should set available roles to Teachers & Students & make Students default role.

Digital Samba default room settings
  • You can configure the rest of your default room settings to suit your requirements.

On Moodle :

  • Log into your Moodle LMS instance as an Admin.

  • Navigate to Site Administration > Plug-ins > Activity modules > External Tool > Manage tools

  • In the Add tool area – enter and click the Add LTI Advantage button.

  • This will dynamically register Digital Samba as an LTI external tool on your LMS.

  • Once this is done – you will see the Digital Samba tool in a pending state.

  • Click on the three lines ( Tool Configuration details ) and send this information back to us so that we can enable your LMS on our side.

Moodle tool configuration details

  • Once you have confirmation back from us that your LMS is enabled, click the Activate button.

  • You may want to adjust a couple of settings within the tool to make best use of it.

  • To access these click the Settings cog :

  1. Make the Digital Samba tool available in the moodle Activity chooser :

    • For Tool configuration usage > Select the ‘Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool’ option.

    Tool configuration usage

  2. Use LMS users names in Digital Samba rooms

    • In the Privacy section :

    • For Share launcher's name with tool select Always

    Share LMS name in external tool

Congratulations! You are now ready to use Digital Samba rooms in your LMS course!

Using Digital Samba as an external tool in an LMS course

  • Go to My courses.

  • Enter ‘Edit Mode’ and click on the three dots to create a new course.

New course
  • Fill in Course details as per your usual process and click Save and display.

  • In desired section of your couse click on the Add an Activity or resource button.

Add activity or resource
  • Select Digital Samba from the activity/resource chooser

Activity and resource chooser
Enroll users in course
  • Your teachers and students will then be able to join the room whenever it is time for class!

Join the Digital Samba class

Last updated